Easter / Spring Yoga

Easter and spring are here: what do you think of a thematic yoga stories about friendship and farm animals

  • for your mini yogis (2 - 4)?

  • for your little yogis (5 - 10)?

  • for your teens and pre-teens (10+)?

Find below nice little scripts to plan some family yoga or kids yoga and grab your animal poses and respirations here.

If you need some reminder on class structure, check my blog here.

Mini yogi Easter yoga

Gather your mini yogis around to follow Bernard the Bunny (feel free to use the farm yoga cards to play along). Day’s affirmation: « I can always ask help from my friends »

it is the morning, Bernard the Bunny enjoy a nice cocoa drink (check this hot cocoa breath video).
Then Bernard in a bunny squat do some stretches and twists to energise for the day and finish by saluting the rising sun (e.g. salute up, tickles toes down, hide in grass like a earth worm then like a little mouse, rise as a happy dog and jump back then salute again the sun).

In this lovely spring / Easter day, Bernard the Bunny decides to look for some chocolate eggs. First, Bernard the Bunny meets the Happy Dog, moving its tails. No chocolate but it is fun to walk on four below.

Animal yoga card: cat and dog

Yoga pose: cat and dog

Then Bernard hops on a tractor ride (bumpy boat pose). Wait do you smell that (bunny breath) ? Bernard hops from the tractor: 1, 2, 3 hops. It is its friend the Hen (Pigeon pose) eating some grains.

Look some chocolate eggs: let’s pick them (pom-poms) with our feet.

Oh, it’s already later afternoon, Bernard is helped by its friend the Sleepy Cat to prepare for sleep (cat pose and stretches, look to sides).

Let’s finish by a soft back massage (fingers tapping softly on back).

Mini yogi Easter arts and crafts

Check this video on how to make easter puppet video:

Here some hand animal drawing ideas: https://krokotak.com/2013/04/14-ways-to-make-handprint-animals/

Little yogi spring / Easter yoga

For older kids, start by emphasising your topic: farm animals yoga and explain more the poses, breathing and activities.

Farm animal cards make nice visual clues.

Let’s center by the hot cocoa breath, then warm-up our body to be ready for our practice with animal walks - check examples here:

Then we start with our sun salutation (it is always great if kids can lead too).

First pose is the Happy Dog (Downward Facing Dog):

  • Strong star hands pushing onto the mat,

  • Make hip circles in one direction then the other, switch leg to boost our hip mobility.


  • on all four walk below all the Dog-Bridge (see above),

  • pass the ball to each other while in the pose.

Partner pose:

- check this card.

Partner downward dog yoga card

Yoga partner pose: half stand and downward facing dog

Second pose: Bunny squat pose (Malasana)

  • Squat with prayer hands,

  • Stretch your sides bruising one arm then other,

  • Finsih by a bunny breath then explode in hops / jumps to energise up.

Third pose: Tractor ride (Navasana)

- Seat in Boat pose and make small bumps, it is also possible to twist to help fertilise soils.

Fourth pose: Hen pose (pigeon pose) to release our hips and legs (which we mobilise a lot today)

  • Pigeon pose and grab back foot,

  • Then release and fold down.

  • Switch sides.

Activity: who will grab the most pom-poms with their toes in 1 or 2 minutes? It is a great exercise to help strengthen feet and overall balance.

Fifth pose: Cat pose to strengthen and release back, very good to do in the morning and before bed.

  • Cat / cow,

  • Opposite limb stretches,

  • Side stretches.

Finish in child pose. You can walk and tap softly on their back (if they agree) to relax further or put nice relaxing music.

Suggested little yogi arts and crafts

Easter egg paintings: check these nice ideas https://www.parents.com/holiday/easter/easter-egg-decorations-for-kids/

Pre-teen / teen Easter / Spring yoga

For kids 10+, focus on the poses, explain the benefits and the muscles engaged. Cue to improve the pose or modifiy. Encourage collaboration.

For breathing: either the ones above or use same vritti then fire breath.

Suggested teen arts and crafts

And remember the kids in your life: you deserve the best friends, you are stronger than you think and it is okay to ask for help (it is even a great skill!).


How to boost creativity?


Ideas for home-made kids yoga props