How to boost creativity?
What is creativity?
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as « the ability to create », whereas the Cambridge dictionary as « the ability to produce or use original or unusual ideas ». Creativity can apply to many domains, as long as there is a production based on the use of ideas. E.g. arts, crafts, design, crafting a presentation or a conference, preparing a yoga class / sequence, teaching …
Have you noticed that we tend to get most of our creative ideas under the shower, when our mind is free to wander?
How to develop creativity in kids?
At first, we praise kids when they produce something: a drawing, a song, a dance, a construction - even if it seems to us « bad » or childlike. Growing up, « talented » kids are singled out whereas the less talented ones are more and more ignored, often drying out their creative spirit. They are asked to conform and not lose their time.
Come adulthood, adults are required to find solutions and be efficient. Creativity is praised but only if productive, useful or original.
But to encourage creativity is to allow this childlike quality to spend time playing around with ideas and thoughts, to try and try again, to have an open mind and open heart and finally allow oneself to create without the need to be deemed good at it.
Parents, please keep on praising your kids on spending time creating (without having to overpraise when the results is not good) and having enjoyed this time; adults, please keep on allowing yourself to try and get inspired without the pressure of being good at it.
How to boost creativity in companies?
Companies, stop searching for creative people when your internal culture tend to kill any creative strain by focusing on competition, productivity and short-term results.
Boost the creativity by detaching from the outcome and letting people enjoy the journey, have fun with it and with / about themselves. Of course, it is a delicate balance between the serious mode of getting things done and the creative mood of letting the mind explore, ponder, try. Fear of failing, fear of being looked down, pressure of time and conformity are all creativity killing.
And even if creativity is not required per se, allowing some free time and to be bad sometimes, will foster a better company environment. And creativity will come with times and bring your companies forward. So how do you get more creative people? Let’s dive in…
How do I become (more) creative?
Have you ever looked at creative people and thought how lucky they were to be so talented?
Guess what: creativity is not a talent! According to John Cleese and the MacKinnon study, it is a way of operating.
Even further, it is not related to IQ (provided some basis intelligent is reached).
So how do you switch to a creative mode?
Well, they describe this mode as close to childplay: the ability to play, explore ideas and thoughts for the sake of enjoyment (not productivity).
In fact, if you are under pressure, looking to be productive and come up with solutions in a work-mode, big chances that you will not be productive, as you will not be in the right mood.
Note that this « closed mode » is needed to go further in academic and corporate settings, but it is as need as this « childlike mode » to be able to think out of the box or come to creative solutions.
Another interesting finding is that being creative also means you allow yourself time to be creative. Creativity needs longer time to bloom, to play with problems and thoughts, to ponder them. It often is an unconscious work, mind wandering in the background before the ideas pop (often under the shower, isn’t it?).
Watch the full lecture of John Cleese and the 5 factors of creativity / Read more about the MacKinnon Study.
How to get « better » at creativity?
Have you ever looked at so-described creative people and thought you could never get so talented?
Guess what: creativity is not about the outcome but about the practice, the ability to play with it like a child. As in yoga and in mindfulness, you have to detach yourself of the outcomes.
The cartoonist Chuck Jones quoted one of his Art teacher: « Every artist has thousands of bad drawings in them and the only way to get rid of them is to draw them out. »
Allow yourself time to play, to practice creativity. It may well be that your creative results seem to you bad, at least But you have to allow time and practice if you want to feel better at it. Give a try, or two or thousands, but try! And remember everyone’s pace is different: don’t compare your journey.
Which leads to a second important point, take pleasure at being creative, whatever it entails for you and whatever the outcome is. Childs like to play, that is the important point. Creativity is similar: you have to have joy at creating something.
As the great writer Kurt Vonnegut said about arts: « Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven's sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possible can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something. »
You are not even obliged to show it to anybody or to keep it (burn your tries if you wish, it is not the important thing). You don’t have to be good to be creative as long as you allow yourself to take pleasure at creating something.
Do I need to be original to be creative?
Have you ever looked at so-called creative people and thought you could never that original?
Well, truth be told, you cannot be fully original, there is always some inspiration or reference in any creativity works.
You might not create something original, but if it is not a carbon copy, if it has some you in it, don’t let it stop from getting started. Creativity is built on years, decades and even thousands of creativity: it is a never-ending creation of people pouring their hearts and souls in it and learning from their predecessors and contemporary neighbours. Creativity is to incorporate what has come before with what makes you unique and make it your own recipe.
How to practice creativity?
You might have to start by learning and practicing others’ style and works to be able to find your own voice and style. Get inspired, open your eyes and mind, be curious.
A good way to practice is also to follow prompts. For instance for drawing there is the popular inktober challenge (; some prompts from past years:
or challenge yourself with placing an outdated word in a presentation or discussion (even better if you do with colleagues, friends or your kids). Here some ideas:
Flabbergast: to surprise someone greatly,
Kerfuffle: a disturbance caused by a dispute or conflict,
Bedight: to decorate something to make it more fascinating,
Clinomania: a strong desire to stay in bed,
Twattle: silly or pretentious talk.
For your younger kids, let them play around with e.g. play-doh, bricks, cars, dolls and paints. Let them be chaotic, let them be not good at it, as long as they play and create. Praise the fact that they have created and that it has been fun. Tell them you are proud of them trying and practicing. Open their minds by showing them other creative works (in different domains). Show them that creativity is great in itself, even if you are not the best at it by allowing yourself some as well and not be shy.