FAQ - yoga and mindfulness

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FAQ - kids yoga and mindfulness

  • A child can start yoga as a toddler if you adapt the practice to the age. Roughly, age-adapted kids yoga could be as follows:

    3 to 5 (preschoolers / kindergarteners): 30 to 45 minutes using stories, props, games to engage them,

    6 to 10 (middle schoolers): 1 hour-long, around a theme or story, focus on participation and connection rather than perfect alignment,

    Pre-teen and teen (>10): 1 hour long, focus on alignment and explaining use, benefits, philosophy, teamwork and active listening.

    Even as a baby, it can practice baby yoga with its parents.

  • If practiced regularly, there are many benefits of practicing yoga for kids, in particular it can help them improve their:

    Body awareness and expression, 


    Emotional awareness,

    Emotional self esteem,

    Overall resilience

    Social connection.

  • Adapt the kids yoga session to the age range (see question on age). Find a story / topic as a central theme. Use props such as cards, scarfs, breathing spheres, bells etc. as well as relevant games to engage them. Embody your practice, be natural and listen to them. Have fun and embrace the chaos, it’s alright.

    Please note yoga is not only posture but also breathing, relaxation, meditation, concentration and values on how to behave to yourself and others.

  • In addition to the benefits of yoga, practicing yoga as a family helps to:

    Increase the connection,

    Improve the communication,

    Improve emotion regulation and bounding in your home,

    Create fun memories,

    Give your kids a practice for life and give yourself a practice that day.

  • A child can start learning mindfulness (being present to the moment, without judgement) very early. Of course, teaching mindfulness to a preschooler will look different than to a middle schooler and a teenager.

    Don’t force mindfulness but explain the reason why it is important, let them explore how they feel.

  • Kids are often told to be quiet or calm down, but rarely do we teach them how to regulate their emotions or even to notice and name them.

    Main benefits are:

    Better self regulation,

    Better sleep,

    Better stress management,

    Increased focus,

    Improved sense of wellbeing.

  • For very young yogis, you can introduce mindfulness with mandalas (colouring or nature gathering), sound listening, senses engagement (can you spy …). Already 1 - 2 minutes mindful moments is a great start. 

    For middle schoolers, you can also teach them to focus on their breath or listen to guided visualisation. Introduce short techniques to help them in times of high stress or emotional overflowing.

    You can also use apps or online songs for them to listen to. 

    And remember mindfulness starts with you. If you are well regulated it will show and have a ripple effect.

  • As little as 4 slow deep breaths bring already many benefits to kids. In particular:

    Lower stress level,

    Calming down mind and body (think relaxation and better self regulation),

    Increased immunity.

  • Adapt the techniques and length to the kid’s age.

    Learning how to breath and how to take deep slow breaths is key for 3 to 5 years old. Use props such as spinning wheel, breathing sphere, plush toy belly breathing or bubbles to engage them. Songs with nice rhymes are also great.

    Introduce different techniques for different use: square breathing to calm down, lumberjack breath to release anger and stress etc.

    Integrate 1 to 2 breath techniques in your yoga lesson and remember as little as 4 slow deep breaths are already a winning combination.

FAQ - prenatal and postnatal yoga

  • he De Gasquet Method is based on the following principles:

    Perineum activation: all efforts start on a perineum activation, i.e. contraction,

    Breathing: all efforts are done on an exhale, coming from the perineum /lower belly and going up, inhales are relaxation or easing off moments,


    lengthening from buttocks to ribs to head crown in each exercise (going along with exhale)

    correct pelvis placement.

    The goal is to work on back and front core muscles, without compressing the spine and the organs, allowing a fluid breathing.

  • The perineum goes from the pubis to the coccyx. And yes, men also have one.

    It has the form of an inverted parachute or hamac and are made of the muscles supporting the following organs: bladder, uterus (for women) and rectum.

  • Dr. Bernadette De Gasquet is a French doctor and a yoga teacher. She has developed a method for muscular strengthening and a perinatal yoga that respects the perineum.

    Her work is recommended by many midwifes, doctors and physiotherapists in France and around the world.

    More info on https://www.degasquet.com/histoire/

  • You can practice safely from day 1 with the De Gasquet Method, as it incorporates the perineum safely. However should you feel any discomfort or having too many contractions, ask for your doctor’s opinion.

  • Prenatal yoga is a form of yoga adapted to pregnant women. It is safe, but if you experience any discomfort or having too many contractions, ask for your doctor’s opinion.

  • You don’t need any prior yoga experience to practice prenatal yoga. Prenatal yoga is a form of yoga adapted to pregnant women to provide relief and to improve her and the baby’s well-being.

    • Providing relief to the main aches and pains of pregnancy ,

    • Improving the well-being of the mother and her future child,

    • Learning how to relax and to manage daily moves and postures safely,

    • Enjoying moving, stretching, making place and breathing while pregnant.

    In particular, but not exclusively:

    • in the first term: learning how to breathe, to place the pelvis, to move & fighting fatigue and digestive troubles,

    • in the second term:

      • Helping with circulatory troubles and a growing belly,

      • Opening, strengthening, lengthening,

    • in the third term:

      • Carrying baby in a good health,

      • Adjusting postures, helping with body pains, relaxing for more energy and better sleep.

  • With the De Gasquet Method: Possible directly after giving birth as it safely integrates the perineum.

    • Providing relief to the main aches and pains of post-partum,

    • Helping to recover energy

    • and a good shape after giving birth,

    • Putting the organs back in place,

    • Boosting circulation and elimination,

    • Tightening core

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