Tip #2 on practicing yoga with kids
Tip #2: Use props!
Kids can be a very demanding and brutally honest group. Props are a big help to engage them and get some direct feedback on how they are performing.
For mini yogis (preschoolers and kindergarteners), below some great prop ideas and implementation:
Yoga cards: they love seeing cute drawings of postures, playing card games (e.g. memory) or create their own class,
Scarfs: to play around when twisting, to blow, to use in tag games or as a veil to relax,
Breathing spinning wheels, breathing sphere, bubbles: as this age, it is great to get a direct feedback on how they breath,
Feathers: let it fly with the breath or a sensory tool,
Pompoms: make it advance with your breath, catch it with your toes or make nice mandalas,
Plush toys: do a yoga pose of your toy or make it ride on your belly when you breathe,
Bells: great mindfulness tools, they catch immediate attention,
Popular stories: read a book they love and do a yoga class around it!
For older yogis, you might let aside the plush toys and use less props in a class.
Yoga cards: to see in one glance what the class is about or help co-create the class,
Scarfs: in addition, it can be used to get further in some poses,
Breathing props: have some handy when you need to redirect the class energy,
Bells: challenge them to move without noise or have a little help to play it during relaxation,
Ball: pass the ball in plow, plank, wide-legged forward fold, juggle in balance poses,
Colour dots: great for games to challenge their balance or their focus.
Remember: props are here to help you engage them, redirect the class attention and support your teaching, but should not become the centerpiece. You are.
And back to tip 1: make it fun and have fun!
By the way, have you looked at my resources to help you with kids yoga?