Tip #3 on practicing yoga with kids
Be consistent, have a set structure
Kids tend to crave structure: it helps them know what is coming, decreasing the stress of the unknown.
Structure means here having a consistent routine and clear rules. They know what to expect and how to behave, giving them power and responsibility over it. It teaches them about boundaries.
It is also very important to stick to the rules and structure as much as possible. True, kids love to test limits. Yet, they also need to feel in a safe environment where they can be themselves.
First, start your kids yoga session with educating the rules, repeat them as much needed - use visual cues to remind them as well.
Here is the difficult part: you have to clarify with yourself on what you tolerate or not, and what you can do to enforce the rules, without shaming or harming. What are your options ? If you work in a school or nursery, what are the rules there ? To whom do you refer in case of troubles ? How can you get support ?
Structure and consistency is key to allow kids to express themselves in a nurturing environment. They know what to expect and when.
On my side, I like to rougly follow this structure on my yoga class (it can work with grown-ups too):
Centering: for little ones, finger play and catchy song is often a winning combination to catch their attention and settle down for the class; for older ones, I sometimes use walking meditation or animal movements,
Class theme announcement: here again they know what to expect,
Warm-ups: as any class where movement is involved, it is important to warm up the body to avoid injury ! / be ready for the class,
Class core sequence: suns salutation, asana, pranayama, game …
I recommend 1 pranayama at least (2 max. for little ones) and some partner work,
Final relaxation / meditation: to close the class, integrate in body and mind and prepare for going back to the world,
Time for sharing and feedback: you can have one at the beginning as well.
Final thanks / gratitude and class tidying.
Please note that structure and consistency does not mean rigidity on your side and passiveness on their side. Quite the contrary: it gives them the social and emotional tools to enjoy the class, develop their personality and thrive.
You may also have to fine tune your structure at the beginning, according to the kids feedback and what has worked, and what has not. It is part of the learning curve ! Keep in mind that not 2 kids group are the same.