Blog on yoga and mindfulness

Read about kids yoga and mindfulness, starting a family yoga practice, infusing mindfulness into your day and parenting, and my journey to empower my own yoga, breathwork, mindfulness practice.

I believe in sharing and empowering people, parent, kids with their own physical, emotional and mental health, for a better, more balanced and kinder future.

Kidsyoga, Breathing Solene Figueiredo Kidsyoga, Breathing Solene Figueiredo

How to teach breathing to kids

Taking 4 deep breaths can bring many benefits to kids and help them regulate better and decrease their stress level. Yet, at home or at school, we barely kids how to breathe. Saying "calm down and breathe" is not enough if kids are not taught how to do it. Breathing techniques should be adapted to kids age and capabilities.

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